Hello, In this post we will see how to check if a user has a specific permission assigned to him. If you want to do it in a JSP you can use the below code. In JSP permissionChecker,layout and portletroot id objects are implicitly available. boolean showOwnerType = PortletPermissionUtil.contains(permissionChecker, layout, portletDisplay.getRootPortletId(), “your permission name”); Suppose if you want to do it in a class which does not have these implicit objects or it does not have access to HttpServletRequest or PortletRequest then you can use the below code. PermissionChecker permissionChecker =PermissionThreadLocal. getPermissionChecker (); boolean status = PortletPermissionUtil. contains ( permissionChecker , “your portlet root id”, “your permission” ); You can find the portlet root id from Liferay page. Goto the page where the portlet resides and click on Settings icon- > Look and Feel -> and goto Advanced Styling tab. There you can see the p...